7 Things Only Grandkids Who Were Raised By Grandparents Will Understand

”A child needs a grandparent, anybody’s grandparent, to grow a little more securely into an unfamiliar world” – Charles and Ann Morse.
The relationship between a grandchild and grandparent is very special. They provide unconditional love and offer incredible advice that is sometimes both funny but wise.
Here are seven things you may identify with if your were brought up by our grandparent.
1. Reminiscing Matters
Grandparents loves to reminisce and tell us stories of about their childhood. The majority of sentences will start with, “Back in my day…”
Just remember when your Grandma recalls Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra as her favourite music artists, in the future we will be expressing lyrical appreciation for Justin Bieber, Adele and Beyonce.
2. Technology Bites
From iCloud dynamics to how to add a friend on Facebook, explaining anything related to technology or social media to Grandparents is often a challenge.
Common sayings include:
Can you download my iCloud?
What’s this Facebook?
3. Practical Advice
Grandparents have been there, done that, got the t-shirt, so they will commonly offer practical advice based on how to get along with people and get ahead in the world.
Listen out for for gems such as:
A leopard never changes its spots.
Actions speak louder than words.
Never turn down a free meal.
4. Traditional Dating Views
With experience on their side, grandparents will often dish out some top dating advice.
Common pointers include:
Make sure they greet you at the door.
5. Overprotective
Because our grandparents have seen so much, they’re wary when we leave the house.
6. Style Advice
Our grandmothers in particular, will have a strong opinion on our choice of attire. Hands up if you’ve heard:
“Isn’t that a little short?”
7. Positive Powers
The power of being positive is one attribute grandparents promote; they have lived long enough to know that harbouring anger or bitterness gets you nowhere in life.
You will often find yourself quoting some of their positive affirmations, which include:
Hate the sin but love the winner.
If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.
Always ask. They can only say no.